How to communicate with your rabbit


Rabbits can famously not change their facial expression. Perhaps they cannot smile, but their eyes, ears and movement say a lot.

Their eyes will widen when they are in shock, they will lower when they are sleepy or when they want to let you know you’ve wronged them. (Frederik has ‘medicine-eyes’. Whenever we administer medicine, the eyes droop almost closed. He is very sad then. Reney.)

The ears are upright if alert or scared. The ears fold flat when they are next to you for a cuddle, but also when they are about to fight with another rabbit. Watch out for the raised tail. The ears being flicked at you either means, Good morning, or leave me alone. You decide judging on the moment, but it is normally in good fun.

When they are mad, they will turn their backs on you, but keep with some side eye action, to see if the treats are really finished. When they hop away and kick back at you, they are properly mad because they realised that the treats are in fact finished.

When they stomp their feet they are furious at you for wanting to pick them up, for smelling of another bunny, or being late. Stomping of the feet can also mean they are scared (and warning other rabbits).

They click their teeth to communicate various things. A short, rhythmic and calm burst of three to five clicks, means they are content. Continuous, nervous, fast clicking means they are scared or feeling vulnerable. (Also used to manipulate you when they realise you are about to leave.)

The grinding of teeth means they are in pain and should be taken to a vet.

Nudging you with their nose means they want attention, a treat or they are saying hallo. Licking you means they really dig you. Take it as a massive compliment.


First off, sit on the floor/grass and let them come to you on their own terms. Do not pick them up, cuddle them or kiss them if they do not like it.

Never scream at them, clap your hands or, pick them up quickly. A raised voice makes them more aggressive, more naughty. I have yet to try a high pitched voice, but according to people in the know, that raises the alarm and they understand you are unhappy.

Turn your back on them when they are naughty. They cannot stand it! The little narcissists cannot comprehend that someone might be mad at them. They will try and circle you, get to the front and try and make up.

Basically, love them, feed them, keep them safe and let them come to you when they want.